1 /*
2  * sys-emu - A system emulator for tutorials
3  * Copyright (C) 2018 - 2019 osdevelopment-info
4  *
5  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16  * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
18 package info.osdevelopment.sysemu.memory
20 import info.osdevelopment.sysemu.support.Utilities._
21 import scala.util.{Failure, Try}
23 /**
24   * The object SimpleReadWriteMemory used to create instances of the memory. The maximum memory that can be handled is
25   * 1 GiB.
26   */
27 object SimpleReadWriteMemory {
29   /**
30     * Creates a read-write memory with the given `size`.
31     * @param size the size of the memory
32     * @return a `Success` with the read-write memory with the given size
33     */
34   def apply(size: Long): Try[SimpleReadWriteMemory] = {
35     if (size <= 0 | size > 1.Gi) Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Max size supported is 1 GiB"))
36     else Try(new SimpleReadWriteMemory(size))
37   }
39 }
41 /**
42   * A read-write memory (aka RAM) with the given `size`. The maximum size is 2^30^ Bytes (1 GiB). The memory is backed
43   * by an array.
44   * @param size the size of the memory
45   */
46 class SimpleReadWriteMemory private(val size: Long) extends ReadWriteMemory {
48   /** The array to hold the memory data. */
49   val memory = new Array[Byte](size.asInstanceOf[Int])
51   /**
52     * The read method to read the value from the array.
53     * @param address the address to read
54     * @return a `Success` with the byte read at the given address
55     */
56   protected override def doRead(address: Long): Try[Byte] = {
57     Try(memory(address.asInstanceOf[Int]))
58   }
60   /**
61     * The write method to write the value to the array.
62     * @param address the address to write
63     * @param value the `value` to write
64     * @return a `Success` when the byte is written successfully, `Failure` otherwise
65     */
66   protected override def doWrite(address: Long, value: Byte): Try[Unit] = {
67     Try(memory(address.asInstanceOf[Int]) = value)
68   }
70 }
Line Stmt Id Pos Tree Symbol Code
35 236 1319 - 1342 Apply scala.Boolean.| size.<=(0).|(size.>(info.osdevelopment.sysemu.support.Utilities.BinaryUnitLong(1L).Gi))
35 235 1331 - 1342 Apply scala.Long.> size.>(info.osdevelopment.sysemu.support.Utilities.BinaryUnitLong(1L).Gi)
35 238 1344 - 1412 Apply scala.util.Failure.apply scala.util.Failure.apply[Nothing](new scala.`package`.IllegalArgumentException("Max size supported is 1 GiB"))
35 232 1327 - 1328 Literal <nosymbol> 0
35 234 1338 - 1342 Select info.osdevelopment.sysemu.support.Utilities.BinaryUnitLong.Gi info.osdevelopment.sysemu.support.Utilities.BinaryUnitLong(1L).Gi
35 237 1352 - 1411 Apply java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.<init> new scala.`package`.IllegalArgumentException("Max size supported is 1 GiB")
35 239 1344 - 1412 Block scala.util.Failure.apply scala.util.Failure.apply[Nothing](new scala.`package`.IllegalArgumentException("Max size supported is 1 GiB"))
35 233 1338 - 1339 Literal <nosymbol> 1L
36 241 1422 - 1458 Apply scala.util.Try.apply scala.util.Try.apply[info.osdevelopment.sysemu.memory.SimpleReadWriteMemory](new SimpleReadWriteMemory(size))
36 240 1426 - 1457 Apply info.osdevelopment.sysemu.memory.SimpleReadWriteMemory.<init> new SimpleReadWriteMemory(size)
36 242 1422 - 1458 Block scala.util.Try.apply scala.util.Try.apply[info.osdevelopment.sysemu.memory.SimpleReadWriteMemory](new SimpleReadWriteMemory(size))
49 244 1789 - 1828 Apply scala.Array.<init> new Array[Byte](SimpleReadWriteMemory.this.size.asInstanceOf[Int])
49 243 1805 - 1827 TypeApply scala.Any.asInstanceOf SimpleReadWriteMemory.this.size.asInstanceOf[Int]
57 245 2083 - 2108 TypeApply scala.Any.asInstanceOf address.asInstanceOf[Int]
57 247 2072 - 2110 Apply scala.util.Try.apply scala.util.Try.apply[Byte](SimpleReadWriteMemory.this.memory.apply(address.asInstanceOf[Int]))
57 246 2076 - 2109 Apply scala.Array.apply SimpleReadWriteMemory.this.memory.apply(address.asInstanceOf[Int])
67 250 2432 - 2478 Apply scala.util.Try.apply scala.util.Try.apply[Unit](SimpleReadWriteMemory.this.memory.update(address.asInstanceOf[Int], value))
67 249 2436 - 2477 Apply scala.Array.update SimpleReadWriteMemory.this.memory.update(address.asInstanceOf[Int], value)
67 248 2443 - 2468 TypeApply scala.Any.asInstanceOf address.asInstanceOf[Int]